Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven years ago this morning.

Seven years ago I remember waking up in my bed in Philadelphia, planning on playing golf with a buddy before getting organized for the upcoming final year of law school. Mark only mentioned we may not be golfing, just to turn the TV on any station. It was 3 days earlier that I left NYC, where I spent the summer as an associate at Sullivan & Cromwell, right downtown in the financial district. Every day began and ended passing under the World Trade Center on the 4/5 train, and seven years ago today I watched it crumble.

In the midst of the chaos and ruin, our servicemen and women risked their lives to help many of our neighbors and loved ones that day. It was a testament to the strength and courage of people who gave their lives that day and for the people that continue to wake up every day in an effort to protect and assist us. Many times we take this for granted, and we should not. This morning I walked by a number of you during a prayer read just before the North tower collapsed first. Thank you for continuing to do what you do. My memories too are with all those we have lost.

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