Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bills go Four and Ohhhhh! Na naah na naaah!

Bills fans will live and die by attaching himself to the team so emotionally, even when confronted with potential heartbreak based on past experiences, and will enjoy together a journey that cannot be ignored. The 2008 Buffalo Bills are again a team to connect with as they begin a great ride; as a young, strong-willed, resilient and complete unit, which will grow stronger this season and into the future, playing selfless football and exemplifying the team concept as well as any team in the NFL. A handful of friends trekked out to the Red Star sports bar in Greenpoint, Brooklyn to enjoy the game with other random Bills fans. Nothing better than leaving on a high note... including from the bar after filming this undefeated at 4 and 0 video.

1 comment:

daniel said...

see you in the desert, pugs-master palame.