Saturday, June 14, 2008

Steamers, Mussels and Lobster!

Weekends spent in Sag Harbor keep getting more enjoyable, because we are finding our niche with people in town, venturing off to new restaurants and experiencing fresh things. Most importantly, I had the opportunity to have my sister Kate visit and good friend Jason. This week I ended up leaving early Friday morning and working from the house. Owen headed out with me, and we were able to venture into town during the day for a bite to eat and to scout what would be an incredible menu for a huge lobster cookout on Saturday. We visited the Dock House and met the owner Rob, who would hook us up with a caldron to cook 15 1.5 lbs lobsters, 10 pounds of steamers and 10 pounds of mussels. It hopefully would become a useful connection for other cookouts at the house. After leaving the Dock House, we trekked over to Sen Sushi and made another serendipitous connection by talking to a girl eating out front who would be hostessing the restaurant that evening. When Jon, Owen, me, Kate and Emily went for dinner that evening, she set us up in the back bar area where we jumped into a great assortment of sushi and cocktails. Dinner was a blast, along with some sake bombs and late night reveling.

On Saturday, Owen and I made a trip into town and got all the fixins' for a fantastic dinner. With the main seafood courses mentioned above, we picked up 4 lbs of London broil that we marinated in a ginger sesame bbq sauce, grilled corn on the cob and roasted red potatoes in garlic, olive oil, shallots and fresh herbs. Owen and Dan were great with steaming all the shellfish and lobster, which turned out perfectly.

We spent the evening partying around the house, playing a little beer pong (including in the pouring rain). Days were spent as usual basking in the sun, tossing the bocce, and enjoying the rest and relaxation afforded being away from the city. Always worth while when spent with friends.

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